Waiclay National Ceramics Award 2019



Past Exhibition

The 2019 Waiclay National Ceramics Award exhibition presents exciting ceramic pieces from all over New Zealand.

Waiclay was established in 2001 with the first National Ceramic Conference, now held annually, in the Waikato. Alongside this convention an exhibition of selected works, held at Waikato Museum, showcases the current work of ceramic artists throughout New Zealand.

Over the years this exhibition has developed national renown, with ceramic artists participating each year for a Premier Award of $3,000, Merit Awards, and a Peters Valley School of Craft Residency Award together with a $1,000 travel grant.

This year's guest selector was Kasumi Ueba, from Japan, who boasts an international reputation, and whose work was recently featured in a related ArtsPost exhibition, Taste of Japan, 1 November-2 December.

Waikato Museum is proud to support the 2019 Waiclay National Ceramics Award, and to promote excellence in claywork.


Image: Aftermath, Maureen Allison, Winner of the 2017 Waiclay National Ceramics Award. 


7th December 2019 - 8th March 2020

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