Secondary Education Programmes

Kia aweawe te ao katoa

The power of the transcustomary

Secondary Education

Using artworks and toi Maaori from our current exhibitions, we explore the wonders and dangers of cultural exchange in artmaking.

Curriculum Links

  • Visual Arts | Ngā Toi

Suggested Learning Outcomes

  • Introduce some customary Maaori art practices
  • Look at some Maaori borrowings from colonial art forms
  • Introduce art as a colonial tool (imperial gaze, primitivism, surrealism, appropriation)
  • Explore contemporary Maaori art as transcustomary practice

He toi maama te titiro

Free your art: Art to calm, art to express, art to replenish the earth!

Secondary Education

We explore using recycling and DIY techniques to get a message or a feeling out. From collage to found poems to linocut to zine-making, we follow creatives in history who have expressed themselves without high-tech or expensive materials. Use what’s around you, reduce your impact on Papatuuaanuku, let it flow!

Curriculum Links

  • Visual Arts | Ngā Toi

Suggested Learning Outcomes

  • Introduce some countercultural art making and protest practices
  • Learn to use art techniques and materials to interpret, process and respond to current events, personal experiences and more
  • Equip students with skills and confidence in provisional, on-the-fly, experimental and freeform creative strategies

This programme is designed to adapt to current exhibitions and work alongside other Education programmes. Skills learned will change accordingly. Can also stand alone as an offering for community and adult groups.

Mai i te poo ki te ao

Museum collections: Journeying between darkness & light

Secondary Education

Using objects and taonga Maaori from our collections, we explore the ever-evolving role of Museums in contemporary life.

Curriculum Links

  • Social Sciences |Tikanga-ā-iwi

Suggested Learning Outcomes

  • Introduce how Museum collections have come about, and how Museums see their roles, practices and collections today
  • Understand how objects, taonga, etc are valued differently by different cultures
  • Introduce some practices for looking at taonga/objects, thinking about and researching them
  • Learn some current Museum processes for caretaking objects and taonga, and moving them between spaces
  • Introduce concepts of repatriation and decolonising methodologies

Huringa Kirikiriroa

Shaping Hamilton

Secondary Education

This programme supports the new Aotearoa NZ Histories curriculum by telling the narratives of our region. Students will explore our objects and taonga, hear some of the puuraakau of our local area, and understand changes over time.

Curriculum Links

  • Social Sciences |Tikanga-ā-iwi
  • Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories

Suggested Learning Outcomes

  • Understand that Maaori are tangata whenua, explore narratives of the Tainui waka’s migration, arrival and influence on this region
  • Explore the local area, including puuraakau, important Maaori sites, historical places, buildings and streets, and the significance of naming
  • Examine how Kirikiriroa has changed over time through successive settlements, exploring narratives through objects and taonga
  • Explore and discuss the He Whakaputanga, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the development of the Kiingitanga, introducing concepts of tino rangatiratanga, sovereignty, governance, colonisation, invasion, confiscation and raupatu

He waipuna, he waihanga

Te awa o Waikato: our wellspring of creation

Secondary Education

Focusing on the Kirikiriroa whenua of Te Whare Taonga o Waikato (Waikato Museum), we consider past, current and future meanings and uses of our awa. We also touch on the significance of the gullies and repo restoration.

Curriculum Links

  • Science | Pūtaiao
  • Social Sciences | Tikanga-ā-iwi

Suggested Learning Outcomes

  • Understand our awa’s geographical origins via puuraakau
  • Learn about Maaori settlements and paa sites
  • Explore changes to the awa during the Waikato Wars and colonisation
  • Understand historic and cultural uses of the awa and their impacts


River & gully ecologies. Explore gully/repo ecologies & restoration, including bats, pukatea, tootara, kahikatea, tawake. (Seasonal)