Spaces Available
Venue: Museum Foyer
Venue Capacity: 80 theatre style, 40 dinner style, 90-100 standing
Suitable for: Corporate evenings, private functions, concerts, cocktail evenings, product launches.
Available from 5pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre
Venue Capacity: 96 seated
Suitable for: Film screenings, performances, lectures, presentations, demonstrations.
Venue: Gallery 13
Venue Capacity: Boardroom 18 seated, 90-100 theatre style, 120-130 standing.
Suitable for: Meetings, performances, cocktails, AGM.
Conference Room Layouts
Theatre Style
Chairs facing towards the front of the room with a centre aisle. Head table for facilitator at the front of the room. Staging available if requested.
U-Shape Style
Tables set up in a U-shape with chairs facing the centre with view to the front. Head table for facilitator at the front the front of the room.
Classroom Style
Tables set up in lines with chairs facing the front and with a centre aisle. Three delegates per table. Head table for facilitator at the front of the room.
Cabaret Style
Square and round tables set half way around affording all delegates clear view of the front of the room. Head table for facilitator at the front of the room.
For more information on our venue facilities and hosting your event please email