At Alert Level 2, Waikato Museum Te Whare Taonga o Waikato is open from 10am to 5pm daily. ArtsPost is also open from 10am to 5pm daily.
Taking care of our community during Alert Level 2
While visiting Waikato Museum, you'll need to maintain 2 metres physical distancing from people in other household bubbles, wear a mask, and use the QR code when you enter.
Government requirements make it mandatory for visitors and staff to wear a face covering in public areas at Waikato Museum. Visitors will be asked to scan our QR code when they enter, or provide their name and contact details to staff if they cannot use the QR code. It is a Government requirement that you keep a record of where you have been (at all Alert Levels) so contact tracing can happen quickly in the event of a Covid-19 outbreak. This is to keep you, your whaanau, and the community safe.