Waikato Museum extends and upgrades its online collection

04 May 2020

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Waikato Museum has extended its online collection of artworks, social history objects and taonga and has also made it easier for online visitors to find objects of interest.

Waikato Museum Director Cherie Meecham says: “Upgrading the way visitors can view our online collection has been a work in progress for some time, but the lockdown has given our staff the opportunity to put more time and resources into the project.  We’ve also been able to add several thousand items to our online collection.”

Ms Meecham says visitors can now browse through images and information for nearly 10,000 artworks and taonga out of the museum’s total collection of more than 30,000 objects.

“Digitising the collection has been a project for the museum for many years. Now that the virtual realm is more important than ever, we’re very pleased we’ve had this opportunity to extend and improve the museum’s online visitor experience. It allows online visitors to browse a substantial part of our collection that would otherwise only be available to view at the museum.”

The upgraded internet portal allows visitors to search the museum’s online collection in a variety of ways. For example, visitors can search for and identify specific items by colour, date, and maker, or find a range of items catalogued by area of expertise - art, history, science and tangata whenua.

Waikato Museum’s online collection can be accessed here: https://collection.waikatomuseum.org.nz/explore

For more information contact:

Crystal Beavis
Partnerships and Communications Manager
027 808 8761



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