Waikato DFAS (Decorative and Fine Arts Society) has committed an annual fund to Waikato Museum for the restoration of fine arts projects from the museum’s collection.
Waikato Museum Director Cherie Meecham says the partnership is a very welcome one for the museum.
“We rely on the generosity of philanthropists to support the projects which go beyond the day to day running of this museum and Waikato DFAS have initiated the establishment of a strategic relationship in the form of a long term fund to preserve and protect artworks in our collection. We cannot thank them enough,” she said.
The first project will cover the restoration of two paintings by well known New Zealand artists: Louise Henderson’s Series 12 Winter Sky, and Robin White’s Sam Hunt, Otago Harbour.
Waikato DFAS is a branch of the BRITISH DECORATIVE AND FINE ARTS SOCIETY. The Waikato Society was established in 2009 and now boasts a membership of more than 180 members. The aim of the organisation is to promote and advance decorative and fine arts, and to preserve our cultural and artistic heritage.
Chairperson Masey Benjamin says the society is delighted to have established a relationship with Waikato Museum.
“Waikato DFAS is proud of its now solid financial foundation, and we have been looking at various avenues to achieve the second aim of the organisation – to preserve our cultural and artistic heritage.”
“Our membership is a group of keen and warm people very interested in the appreciation and preservation of our cultural and artistic heritage and we look forward to thedevelopment and completion of the two present arts projects, and the ongoing relationship with Waikato Museum.”
The UK based NADFAS (www.nadfas.org.uk) was established in 1968, and now has over 400 societies worldwide. There are now eight DFAS societies in New Zealand: Auckland, Waikato, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough, Blenheim and Christchurch.
Each society presents eight lectures a season covering a wide range of subjects; painting, sculpture, architecture, furniture, decorative arts history, arts and craft movements. Every lecturer is accredited by NADFAS and is a professional in his/her field.
Waikato DFAS lectures are held at the Performing Arts Centre at Southwell School.
For more information, visit www.DFASNZ.org.nz
NAME: Louise Belay
DESIGNATION: Waikato Museum Partnerships and Communications Manager
TEL (DIRECT): 07 838 6956
MOBILE: 021 536 557
EMAIL: louise.belay@hcc.govt.nz