Civic Lives: HCM Norris and AG Ward



Past Exhibition

Hensleigh Carthew Marryat Norris and Arthur Grenville Ward shared many passions beyond the legal firm (currently Norris Ward McKinnon) they were partners in and that still bears their names today. While from different generations, as fellow veterans of overseas military service, both men were deeply concerned with the welfare of returned soldiers. They were also determined to improve the public life of the city they loved, Hamilton. This exhibition explores the lives and careers of these two mid-twentieth century civic leaders. It highlights Norris and Ward’s many contributions to cultural and community causes, locating their stories within the broader context of Hamilton’s evolution from a sleepy regional town to a modern city. The exhibition contains photographs, objects, and audio-visual material that illustrate the remarkable lives of Norris and Ward.

Education programmes are available for this exhibition.

Image: HCM Norris as a young man. Courtesy of Hamilton City Libraries


9th March 2019 - 23rd June 2019

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