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Past Exhibition
Image: Little Lake – Ohaupo, Margot Philips, 1977. Trust Waikato Collection.
Rather than remain contained by the fences placed around women's roles as farmers' wives or home makers, these women sacrificed popularity to embark on an uncommon journey as artists.
Each of the artists in this exhibition formed the vanguard that has seen the burgeoning of a region's art practice. The art community owes each a vote of thanks and a huge dose of respect.
Most of these works are from the Trust Waikato Collection. Artists include: Adele Younghusband, Diggeress Te Kanawa, Ida Carey, Frances Ellis, Margot Philips, Joan Fear, Judy Pickard, Ruth Davey, Rona Swallow, Mary McIntyre, Elaine Henry, Gay Fraundorfer, Jean Fairburn, Frances Hunt, Violet Watson, Vida Steinert, Enid Claris, Ev Gardner, Heather Lomas and Katerina Mataira.
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Trust Waikato Gallery
Through the generous contribution of Trust Waikato, Waikato Museum is able to offer this gallery dedicated to exhibiting a rich blend of Trust Waikato artworks and works from the museum’s own collection.
The Trust’s active collection of Waikato relevant artworks and historical documents will often be displayed with some relevance to other museum exhibitions or significant events in the Waikato cultural calendar. Most of the works will have some link to Tainui tangata whenua, the land, the river, representations of the colonial past and the rich history of the Waikato region.
Visit the Trust Waikato website here