Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award



Past Exhibition

The Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award provides emerging Maaori artists with the opportunity to showcase their talents on the national stage, while also playing an important role in recording and celebrating tuupuna (ancestors) and their stories.

The Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award 2021 exhibition is a showcase of finalists and highly-commended works from the inaugural competition, depicting a brilliant variety of approaches and styles in many mediums.

Launched by the New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te PÅ«kenga Whakaata in Wellington, Waikato Museum Te Whare Taonga o Waikato is the first venue to host this travelling exhibition, in honour of the Kiingitanga.

More information:


8th December 2021 - 8th May 2022

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