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Plan Your VisitNgaa Pou Whenua is a modern story of the four iwi of Tainui – Waikato, Pare Hauraki, Raukawa and Maniapoto. From the mouth of the Waikato River, to the plains of Hauraki; the rolling hills of Raukawa and the valleys of Maniapoto. Ngaa Pou Whenua is an exhibition of Tainui people and Tainui lands, exploring identity and belonging. See the taonga, listen to the waiata, watch the movie and touch the whakairo, nau mai, haere mai.
Join us as Waikato, Pare Hauraki, Raukawa and Maniapoto tell us a story of the land, the people and the dreams.
Mookau ki runga; Tamaki ki raro; Mangatoatoa ki waenganui; Pare Hauraki; Pare Waikato - Te Kaokaoroa o Paatetere ki Te Nehenehenui
Mokau to the south, Tamaki to the north; Mangatoatoa in the middle - Waikato, Hauraki protections - the Kaokaoroa o Paatetere Range into the Nehenehenui
E tuuwhera ana hei te marama o Noema.
Ko Ngaa Pou Whenua teetehi puuraakau hou e paa mai ki ngaa iwi e whaa o Tainui waka – Ko Waikato; Ko Pare Hauraki; Ko Raukawa raatou ko Maniapoto. Mai i te Puaha o te awa o Waikato ki ngaa maania taketake o Hauraki tae atu ki ngaa pukepuke piirori o Raukawa puta atu ki ngaa kooawaawa o Maniapoto. Moo te iwi katoa o Tainui waka a Ngaa Pou Whenua e haapai ana i ngaa moemoea o Tainui tangata, aa, Tainui whenua. Paahekoheko mai ki teenei whakaaturanga motuhake e whakanui ana i ngaa taonga, aa, i ngaa koorero rangatira me ngaa wawata puumau o ngaa iwi o Tainui.